
The Seminary and Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic brought abrupt changes in the way of life of all the people worldwide.  On Thursday, 12th March, the Department of Health issued a set of measures that led to the decision that the seminarians would stay at home and follow an extraordinary progamme of formation from home.  A great part of the programme is followed through the social media. 

The pandemic affected also the intermediary-year experience of two seminarians who gently accepted to share with us their experience during this particular time.

Joseph Bajada

My intermediary-year experience started on Tuesday, 24th September 2019.  After a short trip, I arrived at the Parish SS. Sacramento, on the eastern side of Rome.

I was staying at the parish house with the parish priest, Don Maurizio Mirilli, and four other priests. Gradually, I got acquainted with the pastoral life of the parish and I became involved in various parish groups, including the Youths Group, the Oratory and the football team of the parish.  I participated in the liturgical celebrations of the parish and visited the sick, the elderly and the homeless.   I feel that the weekly vocational meetings which I attended  were very important as helped me in my discernment and in becoming more mature.

Because of the pandemic, the authorities issued a set of measures which restricted pastoral activities and meetings with various groups.  I used to participate in the livestreaming of the Holy Mass.  Eventually, I had to cut short my stay in Italy and return to Gozo.

Because of this situation, I am joining the other seminarians in following our formation programme from home.  I hope that things will be better soon and I thank God for what I have been through during my experience in Italy.

Matthew Bajada

In a quiet and empty street, I could see a man, wearing a protective mask, walking his dog.  Usually this is a busy street with many cars passing through. That day it was different.  This is the scene which we have been witnessing these last few weeks when going out is restricted.  I imagine that you know what I am talking about.  At present, I am doing another intermediary-year experience with the Casa del Giovane community in Pavia, Italy.  This is a therapeutic and rehabilitating community that hosts people addicted to drugs, alcohol and gaming.  Six and a half months have passed since this experience started.  During my experience in Pavia, I feel that I have come to know God, myself and my neighbour better.  I never imagined that the world could pass through this dramatic situation caused by this pandemic that has spread worldwide.  Why is God permitting this to happen?  I feel that I can now say that a person proves his worth by his personality and not by his actions.

These days full of tension and paradoxes make us realize that a change in the usual routine unravel our weaknesses and the way we have ignored that which really matters.  These days are calling us to renew our trust in God, so that we can abandon our attitudes of egoism and superiority and adopt instead an attitude of solidarity with others.  God will always be with us and his voice will always reach our weaknesses and help us overcome them.  The street may be empty but God is inviting us to continue walking along our respective roads.  I wish you all a happy Easter and I would like to thank you for your prayers and your kind thoughts.  I believe that this Easter, which is different from others, God still wants to talk to us.  In this particular time, the Risen Christ will help us revive our faith in him so that we can live fearlessly according to his wishes.

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