
50th Anniversary from Sr Giuseppina’s Religious Profession

Last Thursday, 26th of August, a thanksgiving mass was celebrated at the Seminary chapel on the 50th anniversary of Sr Giuseppina Farrugia’s religious profession. Sr Giuseppina, currently the Mother Superior of the community of Franciscan Sisters at the Seminary, has been giving her service in the Seminary for the past 34 years.

The mass was celebrated by H.L. Mgr Anton Teuma, Bishop of Gozo, with the participation of the Seminary formators and other priests who in the past worked at the Seminary. Present as well were the seminarians, Sr Giuseppina’s family, and the employees and volunteers of the Seminary.

We would like to wholeheartedly thank Sr Giuseppina for her presence in our Seminary and for the love and dedication with which she does the work entrusted to her.

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